Whole Plant Oils & Extracts
Did you know? Most oils used in modern skin care are refined, bleached and deodorized — or, RBD — as they are incorporated into their final product. This process compromises the integrity of the plant, as many active ingredients are heat-sensitive and destroyed with heat exposure.
At OHA, our oils are largely cold-pressed and preserved in their whole plant form to preserve the efficacy and life force of the active ingredients. Our extracts are filled with nutrients sourced straight from the Earth.
Colorful and full of natural vitality, our oils contain light, naturally aromatherapeutic scents to powerfully impart positive life force into your self-care ritual and leave you feeling uplifted, grounded and connected to the world around you.
By preserving the integrity of the whole plant in our ingredients, their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties can more effectively boost your skin’s moisture barrier function and cell regeneration. This helps to:
• Even skin tone
• Reduce fine lines
• Improve overall skin health
• Create dewy, luminous skin